Writing a telemetry code using C language to test my own academic rockets
Working with embedded systems, electronics and writing a telemetry code using C language for academic rockets competition.
Website and software development using languages as JavaScript, CSS, HTML and frameworks as VueJS and Bootstrap.
Social action aimed at strengthening the women economic autonomy through education, teaching basic computer architecture and how to solve problems to low-income women. It has the intuit to increase of their insertion and permanence in the world of work in the technological area.
The project consisted in building electrodes and matrices that were implanted on rodents for the recording of their electrophysiological activity.
Programming, data structures and algorithms
Control systems, parallel programming, digital signal processing, artificial intelligence, data structures and algorithms
Math, physics, programming and engineering
1st Place
Engineers' Award, "Honorable mention in professional operation, launching base, propulsion of excellence, team spirit and academic solidarity."
Usage of Arduino Platform as Tool for Rockets Avionics (Speaker)
Breaking into Arm-based IoT devices using memory-corruption vulnerabilities such as buffer overflows. Writing my own exploits against vulnerable programs, and how to bypass exploit mitigations such as NX, ASLR, and Stack Canaries.